Bulletin 03.15.2020
Welcome to Journey!
We are glad that you are here to worship God with us. We hope that you can experience God's transformational love as you become a part of our community through our house churches. *Add: This is how we view our church to grow. The purpose of house church ministries is to become the church that Jesus Christ had in mind. More information about house churches can be found here on our website.
English Service @ 09:45
Korean Service @ 11:15
Shepherd's Prayer
Offering + Response
Fellowship @ 11:00
Small Groups @ 11:40
Lunch @ 12:30
1. Fasting and Praying for Cuesta
Every 3rd Sunday (March 15th), we will fast and do a prayer walk on Cuesta College from 4 to 5 PM. Meet in front of the cafeteria or contact Denise Man for a ride: (510) 302-7123
2. Finals Week Dinners
During finals week (03/16-03/17), we offer free dinners to bless the college students. After some discussion, our church staff team decided to host finals dinner ONLY MONDAY AND TUESDAY. We will take extra precautions in light of various illnesses going around and will only be serving food that will be prepped at church by volunteers wearing extra protective equipment while prepping/serving the food. We still want to bless our community of college students, but also want to care for everyone's safety.
3. Ping-Pong Tournament + Games
On April 5th, we are having joint service then a ping-pong tournament with some board games afterward. To sign-up for the ping-pong tournament, please contact your house church shepherd. Food will be provided at this event.
1. News #1
Insert text blah blah
2. News #2
Blah blah blah
Serving rotation
This Sunday (03.15.2020)
Shepherd's Prayer: Chris J.
Snacks: SLO HC
Lunch Set-up/Clean-up: SEA, Sacramento, Columba HC
Next Sunday (03.22.2020)
Shepherd's Prayer: Trent E.
Snacks: SEA HC
Lunch Set-up/Clean-up: SLO + South County HC
attendance + offering
Attendance Last Sunday
English Service: 120
Korean Service: 30
House Church Attendance
Total form 11 house churches: 165
Last Sunday: $12000
YTD Total: $56000
house churches
What is a house church?
Blurp about what is a house church!!!
1. TBD: Andrew Gillis | 951.897.8013
2. TBD: Jonathan Rabbon | 805.602.8834
3. TBD: Jovany Martinez | 559.718.6908
4. TBD: Justin Kim | 213.507.0136
5. Colomba: Carl Lind III | 760.803.1063
6. Sacramento: Paul Cha | 805.234.5771
7. InterVarsity SLO: Trent Ellingsen | 925.922.1618
8. South County: Hamilton Duldulao |
9. SEA: Chris Jose | 805.215.5673
10. Tijuana: Ryan Mensing | 661.549.5434
11. TBD: Corey Rabbon | 805.459.3782