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JCF Response to Coronavirus

After careful consideration of the events concerning the coronavirus, especially in the past 24 hours, and out of an abundance of caution, Journey Christian Fellowship staff and leadership is announcing the following adjustments to ensure care and cautious for your and our community's health and safety. JCF leadership reaffirms its commitment to protecting the well-being of the church members and working to ensure a safe community.

*Sunday Service- we will have Sunday Live service at 9:45am (English) and 11:15am (Korean). There will NOT be refreshments, lunch nor small groups until further notice. We will also have the service live stream link available on our website,, Sunday morning for those who aren't feeling well or desire to stay home. We will evaluate weekly and communicate any updates if further changes to Sunday Services.

*Finals Dinners- it will be for Monday and Tuesday nights only. They will also be provided as "Take Out" meals only.

History tells us that it is such time as these we, followers of Jesus Christ, must be prayerful and be filled with His Spirit to show love, wisdom, and courage for His glory.

There are still no cases of COVID-19 in SLO County nor directly impacting anyone associated with the community at this time. California government is recommending people not gather over 250 people. Though JCF is not over 250, we still desire to be socially responsible. We can act with wisdom, love and courage by taking the following actions at this time:

Let’s respond to COVID-19 with wisdom by:

1. Washing hands frequently.

2. Not touching eyes and other parts of the face with hands.

3. Avoiding handshakes.

4. Drinking lots of water.

5. Getting well-rested in the evening.

6. Take your vitamins especially vitamin C.

7. Not coming to any gathering if you are sick with cold, flu and other communicable diseases.

Let’s respond to COVID-19 with love by:

1. Not coming to any gathering for 14 days if you recently came back from those high-risk areas of the country or world via any means of transportation.

2. Not gathering if the gathering size will be 250 or more.

3. Not excessively buying and hoarding necessary items that are essential for everyone at times like this.

Let’s respond to COVID-19 with courage by:

1. Continuously gathering together for our house church in person or online to encourage and strengthen one another.

2. Continuously gathering together for our Sunday corporate worship in various different ways:

  • By coming to church building to worship

  • By having family worship on his/her/their own.

  • By joining worship via livestream.

3. Continuously helping people who may be experiencing anxiety and fear over COVID-19.


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